Not a kiss-ING cardinal . . . a KISS Cardinal.
Ever heard the acronym KISS – Keep it Simple, Stupid.
I’m changing it to Keep It So Simple.
If yesterday’s paint tutorial was intimidating, you might feel more comfortable with this one.
You see, I am on a mission for 2011 to get people to paint!
Why do I think everyone should paint, you ask?
1. it’s Relaxing.
You just can’t be upset while you’re smooshing colors around.
2. it’s Fun. We loved to paint when we were kids. Somewhere along the line self-judgments entered in and we thought we couldn’t do it.
I’m here to tell you can do it! With the right tools and patterns.
3. it feels good to challenge yourself.
Self-confidence comes from doing something out of our comfort zone and then realizing that we actually can do it.
4. it’s a technology-free hobby. Well, the actual painting-part is.
Of course, if you upload your painting and print it off your computer for greeting cards, decoupage paper or onto iron-on transfer paper for fabrics, there is some technology involved.
Aren’t there times when you just have to get away from the TV, the computer and the web? That’s when you break out the paints!
5. it’s actually easy. It is!
If you can color, you can paint.
Even if you can’t stay in the pattern lines, there are tricks that I’ll show you to ‘save’ the painting.
The layering method that I teach is so simple that I’ve never had one student – not one! – ruin a painting.
6. it’s inexpensive. Relatively speaking.
- A handful of brushes – use discount coupons at craft stores for those.
- Watercolor paper – another coupon, or catch it on sale.
- Foam plates – the dollar store.
- Paper towels – same place.
- Craft paint – about $1 a piece.
- Patterns – FREE! (if you get them from me!)
I try to keep my tutorials to 5 or 6 colors each. And I tend to use the same colors over and over again. So once you get your basic color paint palette, you’re set!
7. it’s rewarding. There’s just something about painting your own creations that is fulfilling.
Okay, there are 7 reasons why I think everyone should paint.
No special techniques. No special tools. No fancy brushes.
Just plain ol’ relaxing . . . fun!
Lovely..Do you do landscapes?
Yes I do. You can see some of my landscapes here: