Hi! Are you making handmade Christmas gifts this year? If you are, I have a couple of suggestions for you.
First, take a trip to your local thrift store. You’ll be amazed at how many items there are there that can be repurposed into a gift.
Like this cute little chipwood box I found at my local thrift store. I think I spent all of $.50. Or maybe a whole dollar.
The second thing you need to make handmade Christmas presents is Martha Stewart’s decorative paint. Why Martha Stewart? Because her paints are multi–surface. So they work on boxes like this, or maybe wineglasses, or even fabric.
For this box I kept going with the red cardinal theme.
Here’s a free printable of the red cardinals I used on the Pottery Barn knockoff. Smudges included. (Just so you know that they’re hand-drawn!)
I basecoated the box with the same color I used on the Pottery Barn knockoff.
Then I transferred one of the cardinal patterns on the box. No,I’m lying. I just drew it. But you can transfer the pattern instead of drawing it, if you want.
I painted the branches with Martha Stewart’s Wedding Cake. As whites go, it’s a yummy color. How can you miss with something called wedding cake?
I didn’t make the pattern for the branches, but you can just use the instructions from the spooky tree tutorial.
Are you starting to see how you can just combine different patterns and create your own painting?
Please say ‘yes’ and make my day, ok?
The cardinal was basecoated with Habanero and I painted the holly leaves with a combination of Seaweed and Wedding Cake.
Another thing I love about Martha’s paints is their coverage. You need fewer coats than other craft paints, which I love ‘cause it saves me so much time.
And, just in case you don’t think I follow my own tutorials, I do.
I actually followed my own Holly Leaf tutorial instructions! I added some white on one side of each holly leaf and then some dark green on the other side of the white, and then applied a wash of medium green on each leaf.
Then I repainted the thin white vein on each leaf.
Do you see how just that little bit of highlighting and shading makes the leaves look dimensionaI?
For the sides I just painted some more leaves and berries.
All I need to do now is seal the box and fill it up with some goodies!
English Toffee, anyone?
I really haven’t made any candy yet. But I will . . . um, soon. Today I’m off to see what other treasures the thrift store has.
Have a great weekend!
Hi love the redbirds Fran
Thank you Fran! I love cardinals. Something about a red cardinal on a holly or a snowy branch that is so festive.
Happy Holidays!