After 15 years of painting murals I know better. No matter what the man says – Listen to the woman.
When you meet your clients and Daddy brings in stacks of pictures of castles, but Mommy says, “I’m not sure what I want,” – Listen to Mother.
Otherwise, you spend a couple days painting scrolls and a storybook castle and while Mommy loved the castle painting, it wasn’t what she wanted for her baby girl nursery.
Baby Girls Nursery Mural – Take Two.
That first meeting, while Daddy kept bringing me picture after picture of storybook castles, Mommy showed me two things – fabric swatches and a picture of cherry blossoms.
You don’t have to be an artist to realize that these trees don’t go with my storybook castle.
Oh, don’t get me wrong – Mommy loved the castle. It just wasn’t what she was envisioning. So they emailed me different cherry blossom branches they liked.
Ok. I can do cherry blossom trees.
Since the client lives a good distance away, I wanted to do as much preliminary work as possible.
First I wanted to determine the placement of the trees.
It looks like I painted pink cotton candy instead of cherry blossoms, but I just wanted to give them an idea of placement and scale to their sensational crib.
Here’s a pic of the crib when it was in Brother’s room. Awesome, isn’t it?
So I wanted to bring a little bit, just a smidgen, of the gold tones into the trunk and branches of the cherry blossoms.
And, since I painted these renderings at night, the lighting is all off. I don’t use a flash and the incandescent light really ‘yellows’ the painting.
(Photo tips, anyone?)
It will match the fabric though.
And we might add a few surprises in the cherry blossoms. But you’ll just have to wait and see!
So, yes, painting the storybook castle and scrolls took a few days. But it wasn’t all for naught. I’m reproducing it onto my DecorAid decals for other mommies who have pink nurseries.
Who just might have daddies who want trees, not a castle, in the nursery.
But their nursery is gonna wind up with a castle.
Listen to Mother. She knows what she wants.
And usually gets it too!
Happy Memorial Day!
I hope you’re having a relaxing day with your loved ones. Let’s take a moment to include all those who served our country to protect our cherished freedom, shall we?

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