I just bet that you’ve been waiting for something cute to make for Groundhog’s Day this year, haven’t you. No? Really?
This cute l’il paper bag puppet might just change your mind. I’ll admit, at first I thought this was silly but the more I look at him, the more I adore this little guy. So it’ll be a fun ‘present’ for my grandson for Groundhog’s Day.
You do know that this Saturday, February 2, is Groundhog’s Day, right?
Just kidding. I had no idea either.
Ok, so I always want people to try my painting projects, which is why I wrote the simple tutorial below. But – I also understand that sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day. So there’s a groundhog printable at the bottom of the post.
- small paper bag
- foam sheets for cloud & sun (dollar store)
- craft glue
- scissors
- black Sharpie
- watercolor paper
- brown paint (Sycamore Bean)*
- dark brown paint (Vanilla Bean)*
- white (Wedding Cake)*
*I used Martha Stewart paints. Any craft paints will work.
- Trace outline from pattern below onto watercolor paper.
- Basecoat head with medium brown.
- After basecoat is dry, transfer face details to head.
- Paint white on eyes.
5. Paint eyes, nose, ears & whiskers with dark brown.
6. Add white highlights to eyes & nose.
7. Outline head and details with black Sharpie.
Cut out sun and cloud shapes from foam sheets and glue to the opposing side of the bag – the side without the bottom flap.
By the way, if you don’t have any foam sheets, you could always paint your sun and cloud shapes. Or let the kids do it.
Just so you know.
Then glue the groundhog’s head onto the bottom flap of the bag, making sure the teeth hang below the flap.
Now you have a groundhog puppet! Awww, he needs a friend, dontcha think?
Well, gee, Easter isn’t too far off, you know!
Here’s the pattern for the head, sun and cloud.
Here’s the printable if you don’t have time to paint.
I used paperbags from the dollar store that were pretty small – 9-1/2” x 5”. The bottom, or flap, was 5” wide so I made the head that width. If you have larger paper bags, just measure the bottom flap and adjust your printable accordingly.
Free Groundhog Day Printables at Mrs. Green
Groundhog Day Pudding Cup Snack at The Country Chic Cottage
Make a Simple Groundhog Face at 30 Minute Crafts
about Colleen
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