Happy March, my friends! I don’t know if it’s spring-like where you are but we’ve had a couple weeks of simply gorgeous weather. That, coupled with Easter coming early on March 27 inspired me to do a Free March Watercolor Calendar.
If you’re still buried with winter weather, I feel for you. Maybe downloading one of these phone calendars might add a little ‘spring’ to your life.
There’s a tutorial coming on this too because these spring flowers were painted with watercolor pencils. If you haven’t used them yet, I think you’ll love them. With things being just a wee bit chaotic around here, I haven’t had the chance to properly shoot a tutorial, but I’ll get to it soon.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these calendars.
If these aren’t fitting your phone, please let me know. My phone is 4 years old so it’s time for a new one but I haven’t decided on which model yet. I’m kinda used to the old one and, you know, new technology can be, um, a test of patience. To put it mildly.
I’ve had plenty of those in my life lately. I prefer easiness right now, ha!
Will talk soon and have this tutorial for you.
Happy March!
Very pretty and springy, Colleen! Thanks!
I have Samsung S6 Android phone and it is fabulous, especially the camera. The S7 is due soon and has a few improvements. You might want to research if Andtoid is an option. I can’t say enough good about it and I am quite tech impaired, to put it mildly. Just trying to spend your money for you. LOL
Have a grand week!
Hi Colleen,
I hope you are settled in and adjusting well to your new surroundings.
I keep you in my prayers. I feel as if I know you…Funny isn’t it?
I have a question that I KNOW you can answer.
Are watercolor pencils the same as oil pencils? I doubt it, right?
I have used oil pastels and like the effect, however they don’t dry very quickly!
Would you give me a little more info about watercolor pencils. I would love to paint
these beautiful Spring flowers.
I live right on the state line of KS and Mo and have already seen my beloved Robins!
Thank you and God bless you on your new journey. YOU WILL BE GREAT!
Kitty OBrien
Hi Kitty,
I often feel like I know people I’ve never met. It’s no longer strange for me at all.
With watercolor pencils you just sketch the image you want, then add a damp brush to soften the lines. Not at all like oil pencils, believe me. Very fluid and watercolor like . . . except you still have to sharpen the dang things – like any other pencil – and it’s always frustrating to me.
But I love wc pencils! They’re the closest thing to watercolors w/o all the hassle imo. I hope you give them a try! If you have any problem at all, just let me know!