. . . unless you ask me to paint an abstract horse.
Then there’ll likely be problems. Very likely.
I’ve painted for 20 years, and in all the wall murals and canvases I’ve never once painted an abstract. So what in the world possessed me to tell a dear friend, “Abstract? Sure, no problem!”
Whoo boy.
Not to mention that the only horse(s) I’ve painted were “Disney horses” in a playroom where each little girl picked out her fave horsey.
My friend/client emailed loads of paintings of abstract horses that caught her eye, but not one was “perfect”. Her one desire was strong contrast – either dark horse on light background or the reverse.
I chose a white arabian on black background using gouache paints. Gouache are similar to watercolors in that you can add water at any time and manipulate the paint. They are opaque though, which was what I wanted.
side note: I started the painting when I was living with my grandson. #enoughsaid
another side note: I posted the above pic on Facebook and people fell in love with it. #hmmm
So, armed with a little Facebook confidence – as well as my grandson’s – I started throwing on colors.
Lots and lots of colors.
Not my favorite painting, by far. The client’s neither.
I don’t remember how many times I painted this dang thing but we finally pulled the plug on Abstract.
This was the one and only time in my art career I wasn’t able to please a client and it really bothered me. Santino, of course, said “Gramma, you’ve finished that horse a bunch of times!” sigh
The next attempt was when I’d moved to my friend, Penny’s house. No chaos, little ones, etc.
I learned a lot about gouache paints on this horse because every time I’d try to white or black out, the colors would all mesh together.
I debated whether or not to finish the white and black first, then come back and add colors – making two options.
Penny convinced me otherwise because she’s in love with the horse as-is.
So, yeah, a horse is a horse, of course, of course so I named him Mr. Ed. (who’s old enough to remember that show?) #nojudgmenthere
Just in case you’re interested, the original is available in my shop.
another side note: I apologize for being silent the past 3 months. I’ve thought of you all, hoping all is well in your life. I’m getting better each day. Thanks so much for staying with me. xoxo
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I’m finally catching up with the inundation of political emails and settling down after a tough start with a new arthritis med. I am so happy to see your post, Colleen! The white horse si great! I agree with Penny 100%. I am not an abstract person. At all.
Good to hear you’re on the uphill climb. You’ve had some incredibly tough life changes all on top of each other. Be kind to yourself!
I look forward to next time and Happy Halloween!
You are great painter. I wish I was that good Colleen. Don’t stop you give me inspiration!.
Thanks so much, Yolande! It’s taken years and years but it’s one of those ‘enjoy the journey’ things.