I’m sure I’ve told you before how painting calms my nerves. There’s something about moving paint around with a brush, the flow of it, that just soothes me.
I think that’s why I’m on such a mission to get you to paint. I want to share the feeling of calm and peace I get when I paint.
You know how they say The Joy is in the Journey? That’s the way painting is.
It’s like taking a leisurely drive in the Fall. {Insert your own picture here – the leaves haven’t changed colors yet} It’s not about the destination.
Although a caramel apple might be a really scrumptious finish.
Really, really scrumptious.
No, it’s about enjoying the colors, the smells, the crispness of the air.
Whaaa??? Painting can be like that?
Yep. That’s how it is for me, anyway.
Just watch your kids or grandkids paint. It’s about the smooshing, mixing the colors – not the final effect.
Somewhere along the line we grow up and get judgmental about our work, unfortunately.
But what I’ve learned thru the years (the many, many years since my birthday is next month and I’m feeling a bit weary), is when something is out of our comfort zone, when we do it anyway it gives us self-confidence.
I’d love for you to experience that from painting – confidence. I really focus on giving you tutorials that will give you a good result.
But mainly, I just want you to have fun. Peace. Relaxation.
After this past month of moving, taking care of my mother, and subbing her aerobics classes, I needed peace and relaxation.
Painting gave me that.
Hey, Mikey! Try it! (If you’re under 40, forget the reference).
Holly & Berries
- medium green
- dark green
- white
- red
- dark red
- Floating Medium (FolkArt)
Start with any ol’ pattern.
Basecoat with a medium green. Any ol’ green will do.
Add a ‘vein’ with White down the middle of the leaf. Mix a little floating medium with white and smoosh it on one side of the leaf. Either side – just pick one.
Then add dark green to the other side – the side without white. Get as close as you can to the ‘vein’ with the dark green.
Mix the medium green – your basecoat color – with a little floating medium and cover the entire leaf. This will blend everything together.
Basecoat the berries with red.
Paint a little dark red around the bottom edges of each berry. And then in between each berry – like it’s a shadow.
Then topcoat with red.
You’ll think you’re covering up the dark red, but it’ll peek thru when the paint dries.
Then add a teeny dot of white to each berry.
Now – here’s the real exercise . . .
Don’t scrutinize the painting. Don’t compare yours to mine.
Wasn’t moving the paint around fun? Relaxing? Peaceful?
Yeah, for me too.

This is great…I use to paint, other than furniture and walls, years ago, but raising kids got in the way. Your stuff is great.
Thanks for stopping by my blog…so funny your boys were the ones that bounced around,in our house it has been the opposite, our boys have all stayed on track, and our daughter hasn’t found her track yet! LOL She will!!!
its nice & really smart…great tutorial…
Lovely painting and great tutorial! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites last week!
Hope you’ll stop by again this week. I’m celebrating my blogiversary with a giveaway for a Presto Cool Touch Griddle!