There are times in life
It’s truer than true
Things don’t go your way
And you wish you weren’t you
You think you can draw
maybe one fish or two
paint them real quick
add a magnet with glue
A project in one day?
oh no, not you
what were you thinking
have you gone cuckoo?
The hour grows late
the day it just flew
there’s simply not time
to do what you do.
Nothing is working
not cardboard not glue
it doesn’t look right
this might look like poo
With haste you add paint
red, green and blue
each color brings magic
and also a Phew!
Isn’t this fun
says your Self to you
painting the fishes
of fun Dr. Seuss
This isn’t so bad
first one fish then two
I wonder if he had
troubling days too
If he did or did not
I haven’t a clue
My day frought with challenge
is now bright ‘cause of Seuss
There are times in life
It’s truer than true
Things don’t go your way
But you’re so glad you’re you!
Make Your Own Magnet Reading Primer
I made these magnets as a matching ‘game’ for my grandson in kindergarten. He can match the written words to the Seuss drawings, improving his sight reading.
To make your own magnets you’ll need:
Seuss printables of your choice
cardstock or watercolor paper
colored foam sheets
magnet ‘tape’
Sharpie marker
Cut out your printables, cardstock and foam sheet in circle shapes. Glue the printable to cardstock. Cut a small piece of self-adhesive magnet tape and attach to the back of the cardstock.
Write chosen working on foam sheets. Attach piece of magnet to the back.
That’s it! Of course, if you’d like to paint your own Seuss images, I highly recommend it. It can turn your frown upside down.
I’ll be making printables later today. Yesterday was a long day, in case you hadn’t guessed that already.
Join my friends and me in celebrating the joy Dr. Seuss books and characters bring to all.

late in the day – no rhyme I’m afraid
Awesome! You are very clever! Now I will take your idea and add it to our week of Seuss mania – making it preschool-able : )