Most people would’ve painted a second tray a different color than the first tray. Or maybe most people would’ve painted another poppy and added maybe a butterfly.
I’m not ‘most people’.
I painted the 2nd tray turquoise and tried to come up with something that would coordinate with the Poppy & Dragonfly.
Why is it that after I’ve completed a project, then I know what I should’ve done in the first place?
Sound familiar?
The background were the same colors. Okay. I’m off to a good start. Then I painted a couple of green bamboo stalks with medium green.
Some more medium green for a little depth.
Then some wispy branch-thingies with lime green.
Since I was trying to use all the same colors as on the first tray, I added some turquoise for shading.
Kinda cool. Different, but I liked it.
So far, so good.
For the lily pads I mixed medium green and turquoise which gave me a dark teal.
Then I dabbed –literally ‘dabbed’ some lime green to create the ‘top’ of the lily pads.
A little more turquoise + medium green to shade the edges. Then some ripples with turquoise and white. I did a little tutorial on painting ripples here.
Now . . . what color to make the water lily?
I basecoated it in white and thought, “I’ll figure it out later.”
I say that a lot to myself when I’m working.
Since the dragonfly on the first tray was white, I figured this was a no-brainer.
I figured wrong.
I put a little wash of violet and turquoise on the dragonflies.
But something wasn’t right.
So I added a little white while the violet and turquoise was still wet.
Still not right.
Maybe some detailing with Sharpies will work.
Up close? Not too bad.
From a distance though? It looks like the painting is unfinished.
I compared it to the first tray. Nope. Something isn’t right.
Now what?
I added a wash (paint + floating medium) to one of the wings. . .
Rinsed the paintbrush with water. . .
picked up some floating medium on the clean brush . . .
and took OFF a little turquoise. . .
wiping the turquoise off after each stroke . . .
This is looking better . . .
Then I added some more turquoise to the inside and outer edge of each wing.
And called it quits!
I’m happy with it, even though it doesn’t ‘match’ the first tray.
But – it’s just a piece of canvas that can be exchanged for another one any time I want. Which is why I painted on canvas and not the wood tray the first place!
Have you done anything recently that you wish you could ‘do-over’?

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