Make your own holiday decoration or gifts with this free watercolor Christmas wreath printable I painted. Enjoy!
How To Paint a Holiday Table Runner
Paint your own table runner! Totally no-sew too. I’ve included a pattern for a festive deer for you to use too!
Paint a 3-D Fleur de Lis
A couple of weeks ago a new reader emailed me, saying she wanted to paint a fleur de lis and did I have any tips. With Mardi Gras coming up (ok, it’s most likely passed by the time you read this) I thought why not just paint one and show her step-by-step? So I did […]
How To Paint a Topiary Pot
Hello! Well, with all the ‘wordy’ posts lately you might’ve been thinking I haven’t been painting at all. Au contrere, mon frere. Which, loosely translated, means, You’re wrong, my brother. I think. I’m not really too sure. I only took a few years of high school French and it was more than a few years […]