I asked my grandson if he’d like me to paint a Christmas Countdown Calendar like the one I painted him for Halloween. Yes! Do you want Santa? Yes! Or a snowman? Yes! Or maybe a reindeer? RUDOLPH! Gramma, he has to be Rudolph! Well, alrighty then. Rudolph it is. I had a sneaking suspicion he’d […]
How To Use Fabric Markers for Watercolor Effect
A while back I made this watercolor tee shirt with fabric markers when I guest posted at Sweet Rose Studio. It was so fun I wanted to share it here so you could make one for yourself, or maybe as a gift! I made a video to show you how simple it is. This was […]
Kids Craft–Mixed Media Photo Frame
Mixed Media? For kids? Does it sound a little . . . too artsy? Trust me, it’s not. When it comes to little boys, I don’t do ‘artsy’. After raising 3 stepsons full time and now relishing ‘craft time’ with my 4 year old grandson, I want Simple. Fast. Fun. Enter Plaid Crafts who sent […]
Day 24: Kids Crafts–Glue Resist Painting
Hello! How was your weekend? I got to spend the majority of mine with my 4 year old grandson, which is always a huge treat. I love seeing how his personality is developing and how his mind thinks. Grandson: Do all grown-ups have kids? Me: No. I couldn’t have my own kids. Your daddy was […]