Who doesn’t love trees? Especially this time of year, with all the changing colors of autumn.
The trees here in Placerville range in color from bright yellow-gold to rich burgundy red.
They’re so beautiful I was almost moved to write a poem. Almost. Something about how I had never noticed the beauty of trees as a little girl, but now, as an adult . . .
Then I mentioned it to my mom, how I never noticed the trees as a little girl. To which she replied, That’s because they weren’t here when you were young.
Uh, okay. Bye-bye poetic muse.
I would have to say that trees are one of the most popular murals I paint.
In a powder room . . .
In a nursery . . .
On a closet door . . .
On a hanging canvas . . .
and in a fairy princess’ room.
I’ve found some wonderful trees in Blogland too. I’ll post some love links tomorrow.
Would you paint a tree in your home? What kind of tree?

wow your murals are extremely beautiful.I too have a small colection of my mural work in my blog. Please do visit
Love your murals and OMGOSH I would so paint a tree…a camilla tree in full bloom. (not sure my landlord would appreciate it though..hehe) I did paint a wall full of potted plants and ferns and rabbit in a small under the stairs bathroom in a house I did own a long time ago. Hummmm wonder if I could paint and then just promise to paint over it when I move
I love all your tree murals. I did a tree in my children’s room in our last house. I loved it. It was in the corner of the room similar to the one in your nursery picture. Trees just have such a natural beauty about them. Makes me want to paint another.
Thanks for stopping by my site as well. There are just a few more hours left on our Home Depot giftcard giveaway if you’re interested.
You do gorgeous work! I love the trees and also had one in my old house. It was SO hard to leave…no pun intended!
Hi! I’m a follower now! Thanks for visiting. I love the beautiful murals you have in your blog but not only that. I love the inspirational thoughts you have on your sidebar and your Daily Inspiration which states, “Every item in your home has a vibration. Surround yourself with items you either love or need.” Hope you choose to follow me too, for more mutual blog visits.
Yes! I love these! I want to paint a tree (very simple for me–I can’t come close to doing anything like these amazing trees.) in my daughter’s room over a bench in a reading area.
That’s great! I would love for you to come link this up at my Strut Your Stuff Party, and enter the giveaway as well!
I enjoyed looking at your painted murals…your door is just a-door-able. Thanks for sharing! Terry