I just had to try painting some harlequin diamonds today.
Of course I didn’t want to get all ‘mathematical’.
Like I could if I wanted to!
So I just eyeballed it.
I knew they were a little off, but I’m a little off too, so I figured it’d work just fine.
Since I was painting on watercolor paper, I painted plain water on one edge of the each diamond, then painted a little color.
I had to go edge by edge because the paper was wet and if I tried to fill one diamond in all at once the paint would smear or lift.
So, you can see the diamonds are off, but at this point I had no idea how I was going to finish the painting anyway.
I decided to go with brown. Blue, brown. Pink, brown. Brown seems to be everywhere. Even in babys’ rooms.
I filled in the brown diamonds the same way, keeping the center really pale by watering down the paint.
A few dots of blue to camouflage the skewed diamonds.
By now I had a ‘plan’, so I just painted a quick blue border.
Whipped out the Sharpies and outlined everything.
I needed some paint ideas now. A blue and brown combination isn’t just for little boys anymore. I see them in little girls’ rooms too.
And big girls’ rooms!
I decided to just paint some silhouettes.
Birdies! Could be Mama & Baby . . .
. . . unless my grandson is looking at it. Then it’s Daddy and Baby.
When BBH and I took him to the zoo for the first time last year, every time he’d see 2 animals, he’d always say, “There’s the Daddy tiger and there’s the Baby tiger.” Even if the 2nd tiger wasn’t a baby.
I’d say that’s a pretty big tribute to my son.
But then, I might be a bit biased.
Just a teensy-weensy bit. Maybe.
A few eggs . . .
. . . in a really simple ‘nest’.
Done! Fast, too!
That’s my ‘plan’! I’m thinking I’ll paint a bunch of different backgrounds, designs, with different colors, right?
Then people could choose what they want – a name, an initial, maybe a saying. . . or a couple of birdies!
What do you think? If you were buying some wall art, would you like to pick the background, pattern and what you want for the focal element?

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