When I was teaching painting & faux finishing classes, a lot of my students wanted to paint their walls – just some flowers or a touch of ivy. Walls make great canvases, and if you have left-over wall color, you can just paint over your design if you don’t like it. But I’d like to recommend another ‘canvas’ – closet doors.
Besides having to add a couple of extra steps – priming & sealing – closet doors are a great way to add some art to a room, especially children’s.
I painted this Classic Pooh door for my two-year-old niece as a growth chart – see the plank shingles going up the tree?
The whole ‘Pooh’ theme lasted until princess-mania set in last year. Now she’s all about The Princess and the Frog.
Mom didn’t want to give up the Pooh closet door so we just flipped it over and painted Princess Tiana and some of her friends.
The next one was my husband’s idea. If you visit here often, you’ll notice he comes up with lots of ideas. This one actually was a keeper.
At first glance you might not ‘get’ what this is. It’s the nose of an airplane.
Do you see the little planes around the nose? This actually is not my favorite. But the little boy loves it, as does his dad. Maybe it’s a guy thing. Here are some of the planes – the actual ‘art’ – in the rest of the room . . .
While I’d encourage you to paint any closet door – shoot, the core doors are only about $24 @ Home Depot – I would definitely not recommend louvered doors.
These took forEVER! Luckily Hubster primed, basecoated & sealed them. But getting in all the nooks and crannies, while trying to keep the integrity of the art was a pain in the *#%.
But in this room, three bright white closet doors just wouldn’t have worked. I probably could’ve moved the tree, but still. The stark white would’ve drawn the eye right from the mural, imho.
Not into trying closet doors? Just add some touches around them.
That’s a soffit above the doors, with the rose vine hanging down. They used the sunflowers as a growth chart, too. Double duty – I love it!
If you’re not brave enough (yet) to paint a mural on your walls, paint a closet door. They’re inexpensive, removable, and make a great mural canvas!
These are adorable! Great use of a child’s interests! Beautiful painting–you are talented!
Happy to meet you…stop by!
beautiful! I love the simplicity of the sunflowers one with the roses trailing down…so gorgeous! You are one talented woman
You are so talented!
Wow, you are an amazing artist! They look great and such a fun idea, thanks for sharing!
Great work, and it isn’t a guy thing, cuz I LOVE the plane on the closet, Very Cool! Thanks for sharing!
So cute!
wow ;you are so talented, love all the art work you did on the walls, so creative…i will be back to visit, i am a new follower of yours, come for a visit…
Such a cool idea! I have a room for when my grandson and granddaughter visit. I now know how to make a focal point on one of the room walls! Thanks!
What great work! I love that Pooh room so much.
Oh My Stars!! I am SO loving these!! Oh, if I only had a talent like yours! Awesome!
I love the airplane nose and propeller! Just Awesome!!
I am a follower!
Lou Cinda
I love those murals. I’ve alwasy wanted to do one for my daughter’s nursery, but we are in a rented lace
sorry, meant that to say we’re in a rented place and can’t paint.
wow those turned out so cool
What great ideas, you are very talented! I love the louvered doors, the detail is amazing, and I can imagine how hard that must have been! Thanks for linking up.
Wow, this is amazing!! LOVE that airplane door, it is so cute! Very creative.
Wow your work is beautiful!! You are such an amazing artist and I love the idea of painting the closet doors with the walls in a room! I think the tree one is my favorite. We have blue walls in our bedroom and green walls in our living room and I’ve been thinking about painting, with maybe brown and purple, some flowers with stems going up almost to the ceiling and then a flower on the top. thanks for the inspiration!!!
Wow that is amazing. Great work. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules
Love them. My A-10 pilot hubby would love the plane nose and he would have gotten it without the explanation. guy thing
I love the growth chart especially! I have no doubt that will be something your daughter is sentimental about as she grows up. I rent, but like you said, the hallow core doors are cheap enough I could easily do this and then swap it out for a new door if we move. Plus then I could keep all my hard work and take it with me! Love this idea!
love the plane!
The plane nose mural is amazing! My husband would love that. You have given me some great ideas.
No way!!! You need to come to my house and do something spectactular on my closet doors
So glad you could Mi4M
LOVE the plane closet doors…SO creative!
You can see my DIY here…
These are all so cool!! You do such amazing work!!
The airplane one is the COOLEST! You are one talented gal!
You are a very talented artist! Good job! Gonna have a snoop around now and see what else you’ve been up to! Hope you come snoop around mine too. Cheers!