I dunno about you but I seem to have an particular ‘issue’ when I’m overwhelmed with projects. Maybe it’s a creative-person thing. Maybe it’s just my thing.
It seems to me that ‘normal’ people would finish one project, check it off the list, and then move on to the next one.
Not me. Unh-uh. Nope, that’s precisely the time I start yet another new project. Or two.
Now, in all fairness, this group of projects is up at our cabin at Echo Lake and I had planned on working on them all summer – which means a weekend here and there and the last full week of June, July & August. Except the late winter made it impossible to get into the cabin until July. And our intended week-long stay ended the first day with a phone call from my brother who was in the E.R. So I haven’t been up there much at all this summer.
Why on earth then would I even be concerned with paint projects at the cabin that I’ve only been to twice and will maybe only get to a few more days this season?
Like I said – issues.
Or maybe it’s just a silly story to go along with pics of things I’d like to paint some day, along with some other interesting pieces.
Then again, maybe not.
First up is this could-be-sweet little table. Notice the little heart cut-out? Yes, please pay attention here and divert your eyes from the cardboard box underneath and the lovely swivel rocker that was my gramma’s. Um, she passed away in 1987.
I’m just sayin’ . . .
I’m not sure how I’d refinish it. Stain or paint? Paint or stain?
It definitely needs a new lampshade and not this one with bears and trees silhouettes that I cut out of manila folders (who needs a Cricut – ha!) and green – yes, I said green – bias tape trim.
You’ll soon notice that ‘green’ is a recurring theme in our cabin. “Pine” green, to be exact. Lots and lots of pine green.
I’m just sayin’ . . .
Next on the list is this antique trunk. I’m pretty sure I’d decoupage it with . . . something or other. I’m open to suggestions though!
Then there’s this room we affectionately call the ‘bathroom’. Do ya think a little paint can help? At all?
There’s more to be painted. Much, much more. But let me share some fun ‘antiques’.
I don’t know if this milkshake maker qualifies as an antique, but it came from the resort that my dad owned from 1946 to 1974. Yeah – I think that qualifies.
And it still works!
Then there are these cool little irons. Little? Ha! They’re heavy buggers.
And the ‘crank’ phone is actually a replica that Hubs found by the side of the road. But when we had the resort, we had a crank phone in the office that went up to another crank phone in our cabin up the hill.
By ‘crank’ I mean you had to crank the handle a few times to get it to ring. And we used those phones all the time.
Okay, I guess I can’t hide the kitchen any longer.
Notice, please, the green upper cabinets and the un-green lower cabinets. As well as the green trim next to the microwave.
For a cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains, amidst towering pine trees, I guess the green works. I’m just a little tired of it.
And did you notice the little table in the background? That I actually painted. And finished.
My two brothers built it quite a few years ago for Mom & Dad.
I added the oak leaves and a little bluebird on the top of the table.
And pinecones on the sides.
With green branches, of course.
I don’t know whether I’ll keep going with the green theme or not with all the other projects and rooms. I’d like to add a little red here and there too.
What would you do?

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