Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day? Having been a florist, the mere thought of red roses is enough to make my left eye twitch. (kidding) But it is true that I don’t usually do much Valentine’s decorating.
I was out in the shop today (it’s more of a garage with shelves) where I still haven’t packed Christmas up and I saw this berry wreath.
I didn’t make this. Mom got it a few years ago and it always adds a nice pop of color during the holidays.
Well, Valentine’s Day is a holiday and the wreath is red so . . . why not?
Ok, so I needed to do something to make it less Christmas-y and more Valentine-y. Some artificial ivy with a blush of red was perfect, along with my spraypainted linoleum hearts from last year.
I snipped a few sprigs of ivy, just like I mentioned in Flower Arranging Tips, and stuck them into the wreath.
Since the berries are attached to a grapevine wreath and since I wasn’t going to place the wreath on the door, I just stuck the foliage into the wreath without glue.
The ivy tones down the frosted red berries just enough.
Then I added red hearts here and there.
In less than 10 minutes I had a Valentine wreath.
Wouldn’t you know that this simple wreath totally put me in the mood to make some Valentine’s crafts. They’re all in various stages but you’ll see them this week.
And you know what? I’m really having fun making Valentines this year. Not for my husband, or my mom. Just for me. Just for fun.
It’s just possible that I’m making some progress here.

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