After the move it took me forever to find all of my spray paint since there were three, maybe four boxes full. Finally I found every precious can and they’re all sitting right next to me in my supply cabinet, each awaiting its call to action.
With Halloween coming up, matte black stepped up for duty.
Actually, this banner is one of those projects that comes out of a huge mess. A pile of burlap in one corner, Halloween crafts and foam shapes strewn across the room, and the cabinet doors open, revealing all of my pretty spray paint cans.
You wouldn’t know anything about a messy craft space, would you?
I didn’t think so.
Hmmm . . . last year I spraypainted a fall leaf burlap pillow. Why not spray paint a Halloween burlap something-or-other?
I wanted something over the fireplace that would tie in with the spooky runner I painted a year or so ago.
This banner is so easy, and quick, that it really doesn’t need explanation.
But I’ll show you anyway.
Lay out your piece of burlap and position some foam Halloween shapes from the dollar store.
If you want, you can add a casing at the top for a dowel or branch.
I tried inserting a branch but it kept getting caught on the burlap weave and I was in a hurry and in no mood to get frustrated so I just tacked the thing up with thumbtacks.
It was one of those don’t-mess-with-me days.
You wouldn’t know about those borderline-losing-it days, would you?
I didn’t think so.
Those kind of days are perfect for spray paint. Spray paint makes everything better.
Well, almost everything.
Chocolate still holds top honors.
Of course, one could always eat chocolate while spraypainting, couldn’t one?
Anyhoo, I didn’t coat the burlap completely with black paint.
You certainly could if you wanted a more dramatic effect.
Actually, you don’t even have to use burlap at all. Any fabric would work.
For the lettering, outline the letters with a black permanent marker then paint with black craft paint.
Figuring out how to hang it took longer than it did to paint the dang thing.
I should’ve frayed the edges, but I didn’t, and it looked a little . . . meh.
I found a ratty old piece of cording with ratty old tassels in my stash of Halloween and all-things-black.
Why I never threw out something so ratty is beyond me.
Now I’ll keep it, just for Halloween, when I need a ratty old thing to frame a ho-hum burlap banner or cover the thumbtacks that hang the ho-hum banner.
I haven’t finished decorating the bookshelves yet. Or the table for that matter.
It’s the same dilemma every year. I mean, you decorate for Fall and it’s so pretty with all of the rich colors and textures and then, Bam, right in the middle of it comes Halloween.
Some people just add Halloween decorations to their Fall stuff.
That just seems way to logical for me.
But I’m having fun playing with the bookcases in my level.
A black thrift store placemat acts as a backdrop for a big glass cookie jar holding glittered pumpkins on one side.
On the other I propped my spooky dollar store plate and some spraypainted liquor bottles and books.
Don’t panic – the books are John Grisham that I read over and over and over again. When I put the book sleeve back on, you won’t even notice.
I might add some silver lettering along the spines though.
The glittered skeleton head is from the dollar store last year and I never made a project with it. Might not this year either.
He looks pretty comfy just sitting right there. Or she does.
Oh, and if you’re going for the cute/creepy kinda look for Halloween, pick up some Spanish Moss at the dollar store. Or craft store. It gives everything an old look and works great to cover things up.
Like thumbtacks.
Alrighty. Me and my spraypaints are off to conquer another project!
Have you started decorating for Fall? When do you decorate for Halloween?

Hi Colleen! Another “spooktacular” job! I love how you make painting seem so simple sometimes! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama~
Your post made me laugh out loud, Thank You so much for making my border line postal Have-been-cleaning-since-dawn-and-you-can’t-even-notice-the-difference-Day a lot better I adore your halloween decorations, they’re all just so Cool!
Awesome Halloween decor, Colleen! I love it! The black tassel on the banner is the perfect touch. My son has been wanting to add some accent lighting to in his bedroom. I purchased some green Halloween lights and scattered them through all his baseball trophies, Spiderman figurines, etc. on the shelving that runs above his door frames, along 2 walls. He was apprehensive about the green but I told him to trust me…omgoodness, it looks so cool and even better than expected. He thinks so too!