I was looking forward to today . . . and also dreading it too.
Today I’m opening my Etsy Shop, yay! It’s also the anniversary of my husband’s death. Before you think that it was sheer coincidence that I’d open an Etsy shop on the same day Marlon died, it isn’t. It’s completely intentional, even though I knew today might be emotional for me.
You see, there’s this whole “thing” that happened when he died. I don’t know what else to call it. Some might call it a “miracle”, and I wouldn’t argue with them.
Anyway, I wrote a big long post about it two weeks after he passed – and while I’m usually wordy, I’m even more so when I’m emotional – but let me try to explain it here in a nutshell. (I said “try”.)
My husband was incredibly superstitious. No kidding. I could write a book on all of his do’s and don’ts. Anyone who knew him, knew about his little . . . quirks. Anyway, he died the Monday after Mother’s Day at 5:14 a.m. I was lying in bed, still in shock, barely able to process the weekend’s tragic events. I remember thinking how glad I was that he didn’t pass on Mother’s Day. Just weird little thoughts. Then I fought through the emotional fog to recall the date . . . May 14 . . . as if that would be significant at some point. For some reason I replayed in my mind what had happened at the hospital, and the nurse telling the doc that Marlon flatlined at 5:14 a.m. That’s when it hit me.
The fog cleared as I realized he had passed at 5:14 a.m. on 5/14/12. Now, I realize for most people this wouldn’t be a big deal. But for Marlon? Oh, it was a sign as sure as I’m sitting here. But now what? Whether or not he was communicating as he passed over, now what?
The ‘miracle’ part happened two weeks later when some wonderful reader noted the significance of 5:14 and the Gospel of St. Matthew on one of my posts about Marlon. I don’t know Scripture that well but I do know “don’t hide your light under a bushel” from the rock musical Godspell of the 70’s fame.
I still get tingles, just thinking about it now. Because Marlon was forever telling me to ‘get my work out there’, or in essence, “shine my light”.
The whole 5:14-5/14 ‘miracle’ got me through some really rough patches – both grieving for him as well as with my work and wondering what I was going to do with my life without him. However, as time passed, like a lot of things, it got pushed to the back of my mind.
Writing a post, however, about opening an Etsy shop and the anniversary of my husband’s death proved . . . well . . . harder than I had anticipated. I sat down and started writing but my emotions were too thick and heavy – not at all what I wanted this post to be. Rather than writing the post last night so it would be ready to go first thing this morning, I decided to sleep on it and see if the words would come. Words did come, but not for the post.
As I was getting ready this morning, doing mindless stuff, the lyrics to a song I haven’t heard since childhood started quietly in my head –
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
Without even trying, a smile crossed my lips. My mood lightened. My spirit lifted.
I’m gonna let my little light shine.
It still might seem odd to some to write a post celebrating both the opening of my Etsy shop and the anniversary of my husband’s passing, but to me it just fits. It’s almost as if he’s still with my, by my side, encouraging me all the way.
Thank, Hon.
So . . . after all of that . . . I want to talk about my Etsy shop! First, everything in the shop is a digital download – meaning, buyers get a digital file to print off my paintings and drawings. Or they could also save the file to their computer to create something, like a shirt or greeting card or whatever they want.
There are a couple of reasons I made everything a download – 1) it keeps the prices affordable, which is very, very important to me. I want anyone who likes my artwork to be able to have it, without having to invest in an expensive print. 2) I want people to get creative with my images and make stuff. With downloads, they can use them for their websites or party invitations or whatever they choose. I love that!
Even though every item is a download there are two different types – one that you print off to either frame or print on a notecard, the other will be more like clip art and can be used for more applications because the backgrounds will be transparent. (Those also take more time to edit, which is why there aren’t any in the shop today, but there will be soon!)
So! I’ll be going thru all of my paintings that are stacked in a pile, seeing if any or all will ‘make the cut’, as well as painting and drawing new stuff. Of course, I’ll continue sharing paint projects here on the blog because, goodness knows, my house needs a lot of stuff done.
But I do hope you’ll take a minute to pop over to the shop soon. I’ll try to share here as I put new items in too. I hope you’re an email subscriber to Just Paint It because subscribers will be getting special discounts and freebies from time to time.
Now . . . I want you to think about something for a minute . . . have YOU been letting your light shine? Oh, it doesn’t have to be a product or work-related at all. Just . . . your light. Whatever that means to you. Do you hide it, like I have been? If so, I want you to sing it with me –
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine . . .
I have been thinking of this day coming up for you… so happy that you have paired it with something wonderful that your Marlon would no doubt be so proud of. Good luck and Happy Selling. And big hugs.
Thanks so much, Gloria. It means so much, I wish I could say. xoxo
Oh I love that song. Im glad you got it stuck in my head. I hearted or followed your Etsy. I have one too. How in the world do you do the instant down loads? I would love to offer my art like this. I guess I need to read about it. I love all you do.
Take care.
Thanks Lori! You’re my very first follower! I’ll pop over to your shop too!
As far as selling a download, when you list an item, check “digital file” rather than “physical item”. Then you have to enter a link to the file below that. There’s a tutorial somewhere but I can’t find it now.
At least I hope I’ve done it right! I’m not even sure myself, ha! Etsy is all new for me so it’s gonna take a while to learn the ropes. Thanks again!
Thank you. Im sure somewhere YouTube has a tutorial.
Wishing you much success with your Etsy shop. I know you will do well, I have always admired your art. You are an inspiration. I have been tinkering with the idea of offering some of mine as digital downloads on my website, this may spur me on to get it done. I love your geraniums!
Thanks so much, Pamela. I hope you do offer some downloads. I think it’s a great way to get our art out there, at a lower price point. At least I’m hoping! Thanks again!
I instantly thought of my mom when I read that lyric. I believe in signs, too. What a wonderful sign Marlon left for you. Congratulations on your new Etsy Shop!! That is terrific. I know you will do very well. Take care of yourself today, just happy memories.
Big hugs,
Thanks Jaime! You are always so generous. xoxo
Yay Colleen! Good for you!! Are you going to add any cows? That would be awesome. Happy May 14th and Cheers to new beginnings!! Big Hugs!!!!
Absolutely, there will be cows! Just haven’t gotten to them yet. Thanks!
Congratulations! I am so proud of you. You know, we are “strangers in the night” so to speak. I think the internet is a wonderful tool because I feel like through your shared experiences, positive attitude and fantastic talent I have a real friend. I mean it literally. I have written to you a few times and you have always replied in a warm, friendly and personal way. Good luck on Etsy! Keep up the good work!
Isn’t the internet wonderful, Linda? I swear, I never would’ve made it thru Marlon’s death without my online ‘friends’. It’s perfect for me because I’m able to be social when I want or retreat when I need to, without judgment or guilt.
Thank you so much for the encouragement!
What a wonderful idea to give the day another significance. My husband passed in 2005, because Fathers Day was the last time my children saw him they still have a hard time the holiday. Then we have a week till the anniversary of his death. Its still hard that week. Congratulations on the opening of your shop, heading over there now to check it out.
Oh Margaret, I’m so sorry for your loss. It is a hard day, no matter how we try to get around it. But, if we didn’t love them so much, the pain wouldn’t be nearly as deep. At least, that’s what I tell myself.
Take care. xo
You are such a rock star! Congratulations on your ETSY shop and I’m so happy for you. I think this is a celebration…..a celebration of a wonderful, wonderful man and your new journey.
Happy, happy day to you friend!
Aww, Karianne, that means the world to me! Thank you so much!
And congratulations to you, for raising such a wonderful, sensitive, caring young man! What a joy for you to share a little of him with us.
Thank you again, for everything. xoxo
My goodness, Colleen, what a great tribute to Marlon and your perseverance in carrying on and moving forward under a tremendous emotional load. Your light is shining brightly and Marlon will always be with you. Congratulations on your Etsy store! You should be very proud of yourself and all you’ve accomplished and I look foward to following your journey!