Hello, my friends. I have a little gift for you today – a free Christmas Wreath printable with room in the center to add anything you like!
You can choose between a jpeg or png file. (If you don’t know the difference, don’t worry – I don’t either, really. I just do both because I see other artists do it).
I used PicMonkey to add text to the center of mine but any photo editing program will work.
I thought a monogram would be beautiful too. Especially as a gift. You could just print it off on cardstock and frame it or make some notecards or even transfer it to a pillow.
Which would mean you’d need the pattern, of course.
No, I take that back . . . you could print off the painted one on iron-on transfer paper and put it on fabric that way. But it’d be so much prettier if you painted it yourself!
Now, couple of things – I painted this with watercolors. It took literally minutes.
I meant to do a video but I had a 7 year old running around at the time. So the video will be coming . . . soon.
You really don’t need a video though because it’s uber simple. But if you’ve never tried watercolors you won’t believe me until you try them yourself. Ergo, I’ll make a video.
Second thing – I need practice making videos because I’m going to be making video classes and workshops. Like, soon.
I’ve been setting up my easel and lights in every room of the house, trying to find the absolute best position for shooting tutorial videos. Duh. The best place is right on my worktable in my studio.
But when we get to mural classes – oh yes we will! – then I’ll have to move into another room with a big wall.
So, um, yeah . . . I haven’t been around here much but it’s only because I’ve been super busy working on all kinds of projects. You’ll notice the blog is looking a little different. And it will go thru a bit more evolution before all is said and done. I’m putting a Shop right here on the blog so we needed to change a few things. “We” meaning my good friend who knows how to do this stuff because my brain is still short-circuiting.
I’m hoping it’s from the grieving stuff and not anything else. Pretty sure that’s the case as each day still has its struggles. And when that happens, I stop, grab some tissues, let it out, then keep going.
There have been times when I really wanted to pour out all of my feelings here but I was afraid this blog would turn into Just Cry It Out instead of Just Paint It. It’s not that I didn’t want to share what I’m going through with you, it’s just that I know it takes time.
Those of you who’ve lost loved ones know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Times doesn’t make it better or easier, but it does make it . . . well, quieter.
I’m still waiting for that. Losing Mom has been much, much harder than when I lost my husband – which took me by surprise, I have to admit. Then I realized when I lost Marlon, I was living with Mom and had someone there with me everyday who understood the process of grief and mourning since Dad died in 2000.
Although I gotta admit, Sadie (my boston terrier) is a pretty darn good listener. But she went thru her own bout of depression too. Maybe I’ll talk about that later.
It’s the holidays. It’s a joyous time, even though it’s also stressful and can be depressing for people who haven’t lost anyone.
I’m choosing to find the Joy and Peace and the true meaning of the season.
So, yeah, things are changing around here. 2015 will be a big year and I’m looking forward to the changes and hope you like them too.
For now, enjoy these Christmas printables. Video tutorial coming soon, I promise.
Again, thank you for your patience and understanding with the gaps between posts and new projects. I’ve learned I have to give to myself before I have anything to give to others. Big lesson, that one.
You’re so beautiful!! Thank you for the lovely printable wreath!
Oh, Laura, thanks so much. And thank you for always leaving such lovely comments. Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season.
xoxo – Colleen
Thank you God for Colleen
Dear Betty, thank you for your sweet comment. I thank God for wonderful readers like you.
God Bless,
Thank you for the beautiful wreath printable, Colleen! I think you’re a very special woman!
Thank you, Kris! I’m hoping the video turns out well so people can see how easy it is to paint with watercolors.
Hope you’re enjoying this holiday season.
xo – Colleen
I recently found your site and really enjoy it. You make it much easier for a non-artist to create beautiful things!
I hope time has helped with the loss of your Mom and husband.
HollyJo Reynolds
Sorry I missed the autocorrect on your name:(