Paint your own table runner! Totally no-sew too. I’ve included a pattern for a festive deer for you to use too!
DIY Painted Retro Shoes
Hi there! I’m excited to share this project with you today for a few reasons – a) it’s ‘wearable art’ and what’s more fun than wearing something you created, and b) it’s a great project for Spring. I don’t think there’s one of us who isn’t ready for Spring, right? Seriously. What a winter! These […]
Painted Dollar Store Mugs
I’m not sure if I mentioned it here before but I became a contributor to one of my favorite blogs, Saved By Love Creations. Once a month I’ll be creating a fun l’il project and posting it on SBLC. (Today I’m sharing my Painted Retro Shoes!) But before you click over there to see the […]
How To Paint Wooden Shutters
The next time someone you know, someone who paints, who writes a blog about painting . . . the next time she says “I think I’ll paint a canvas and show daily progress photos,” and asks, “Isn’t this a great idea?” Please, for the love of all things paint, say noooooo. Do me a favor […]
Stenciled Burlap Art
How to use stencils on a burlap canvas to create a simple, yet beautiful piece of art.
How To Organize Your Stencils
I know, I know. This should be a Day Whatever post on the French Country painting. It’s not. That painting is . . . coming along and I’ll post an update. Soon. But I was rifling through my stack of stencils, trying to find one for an upcoming project and I.Had.Had.It. Every time I needed […]
A Non-Valentine Valentine’s Craft
There are times when the Universe tells you to . . . slowww dowwwnnn. Did you know that? It’s true. You might think you’re handling it all . . . hospital visits, daily blog posts, revamping the website . . . oh yes, you’ve got this. Or, so you think. And then you miss a […]
How To Paint a Rock Wall Background–Day 2
No sooner than I posted Take a Trip With Me This Week then all of the self-doubts started creeping in . . . can I actually edit photos and write a post each day? will this painting actually turn out or will I have to scratch it and start all over? maybe nobody will actually […]