Spring flowers have been popping up around here for a couple of months now. I was so excited to see the pretties popping up all around our property. Every week or so, a new posy would open up. For some reason, I started snapping pics. I have no idea why. Heaven knows, I’m not a […]
Eight Painted Desk Ideas
When we moved into this house nine months ago I was so completely in love with having my own space, the fact that there was barely any natural light hardly bothered me. Hardly. Then when I ‘made’ my big worktable, the honeymoon continued on. But, like all romances, every once in a while you need […]
Fall Porch Tour
Welcome to the last day of the wonderful Fall Porch Tour! Have you see all of the beautiful porches on the Tour so far? If not, there’s a full listing below. Don’t miss any! I was so excited to decorate my porch this Fall. Heck, I was excited to have a porch to decorate! It’s […]
House Update – The Lower Level
As I’ve mentioned before, this house is what’s called “dual living” with nearly full accommodations in each level. Mom has the upstairs and I’m in the lower level. This isn’t to say we don’t hang out together. We do. And also eat together. But my dream of having a large studio workspace and being able […]
Two Month House Update and The List
I read and follow a lot of blogs, most of them ‘shelter’ or home blogs. I love seeing DIY projects that they’ve done. I like seeing room renovations and redesigns. I enjoy swoon-worthy posts that make you oooh and ahh. This, however, is not one of those. It’s been two months since we moved and […]
The “Floorplan”
Well, we’ve been here in the ‘new’ house for a month now and I’m still unpacking. Translation – I’m not ready to show off any rooms just yet. Instead, I’ll share the floorplan with you. It’s more of a hand drawn footprint, really. I suppose I could make a digital one but I just like […]
Moving Tips – Part 2 of The Epic Move
Judging from the comments received on The Epic Move Part 1 I am not alone in my frustrations with moving and movers! Like I said before, I take full responsibility though. During the past three weeks (3?!!) I’ve had lots of time to think about what I would’ve done differently to make packing, moving and […]
The Epic Move – Part 1
Epic: extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope Yes, Part One. As in this post was so long I had to split it into parts. But, if you read this first part then the Moving Tips in the second part will make a whole lot more sense to you. Maybe. Maybe […]