When did it happen? When did canning jars become all the rage? They are, you know. And haven’t they been around for, like, ever? At least as long as I can remember, I know that. (And that’s a pretty long time!) Now they’re used for crafts, home decor, wedding decor, and parties. Not to mention […]
How to Paint Peonies with a Watercolor Effect
This tutorial shows how to use acrylic paints and create a watercolor effect on peonies and mason jars.
How to Paint Easy Backgrounds That Are Cute!
How to use a stencil to paint backgrounds with a beautiful watercolor effect.
“Breathe” – Some Doodle Art
A while back I came across something amazing while surfing the interwebs called Zenspirations. What a shock, right? *insert sarcasm* How many times do we click on a site, see something bright and shiny over there, click that, then see something else, click on that and maybe read a bit and then . . . […]
DIY Painted Retro Shoes
Hi there! I’m excited to share this project with you today for a few reasons – a) it’s ‘wearable art’ and what’s more fun than wearing something you created, and b) it’s a great project for Spring. I don’t think there’s one of us who isn’t ready for Spring, right? Seriously. What a winter! These […]
How To Paint Daffodils
Hey there! What do you think of my new ‘digs’? I’m seriously in love. I didn’t know it was possible to be in love with a website . . . but I am. And it’s mine, all mine. I still have some tweaking to do and it’s going to take some time but it’ll be […]
Poodle Puppy Illustration
Since I’ve been doing dog illustrations recently I’ve had no shortage of requests from friends and followers. Which I love, because there are times that I simply don’t feel like painting. What?!? Me, not paint? True story. It’s rare, but it does happen when I just don’t feel like creating anything. This poor pup got […]
Downton Abbey Hat Illustrations
With Season 4 of Downton Abbey premiering tonight, I had to try my hand at a couple of costume illustrations again. Instead of the beautiful gowns from Season 1, I chose a couple of lovely hats. There are times when I wish we still wore these hats from the Edwardian period. Wouldn’t it be fun? […]